Welcome to Pricedrightsales! Welcome to Pricedrightsales!

15 May , 2019

My name is Devlin Limbach and I am the current listing manager for Pricedrightsales. I wanted to personally reach out to introduce myself and educate you on the products we have to offer. But first, I want to help you get to know us by starting with a little history of our company.

It all started in Lincoln, Nebraska in 2009 with a small family owned business. Being rather new to the eCommerce world, Pricedrightsales started with a very small selection of car-audio electronics and started selling on eBay in their spare time. With each order that came in, the excitement around the office grew and the team would get to work, hand writing each shipping label and haul them down to the post office to get them shipped right away.

That passion has never stopped at Pricedrightsales. We still push to get our orders shipped out as quickly as possible, and with most orders, we can ship them on the same day. The only difference is we no longer have to hand write the shipping labels!

The eCommerce market is always evolving and as a seller we must adapt to these changes without letting it affect our customers. As a small family owned business, we strive to provide a variety of quality products at the best prices available, and pair it with great customer service and fast shipping.

I was hired in August of 2015 as a listing associate. I graduated with a degree in Photography in 2003 while working for a different company as a warehouse manager. During the years I worked for them I was not using my photography. I knew I needed to find the job that would take my skills, education, and experience and use them to help drive their company forward.

When I started four years ago, we primarily only sold on eBay. Today we sell on several other marketplaces and built our own website to help make it easier for our customers to find us. Our listing team does an incredible job by providing the most information possible and producing high quality images to help you decide on the products you want. Our shipping and warehouse teams are always growing to keep up with our desire for quality packaging and lightning quick shipping that we’ve had since our first order came in 10 years ago.

I look forward to writing more blogs about our products, brands, and giving company updates as we continue to grow. I also encourage you to reach out to us if you need any additional information or have any questions. We are open Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM CST.

-- Devlin Limbach

My name is Devlin Limbach and I am the current listing manager for Pricedrightsales. I wanted to personally reach out to introduce myself and educate you on the products we have to offer. But first, I want to help you get to know us by starting with a little history of our company.

It all started in Lincoln, Nebraska in 2009 with a small family owned business. Being rather new to the eCommerce world, Pricedrightsales started with a very small selection of car-audio electronics and started selling on eBay in their spare time. With each order that came in, the excitement around the office grew and the team would get to work, hand writing each shipping label and haul them down to the post office to get them shipped right away.

That passion has never stopped at Pricedrightsales. We still push to get our orders shipped out as quickly as possible, and with most orders, we can ship them on the same day. The only difference is we no longer have to hand write the shipping labels!

The eCommerce market is always evolving and as a seller we must adapt to these changes without letting it affect our customers. As a small family owned business, we strive to provide a variety of quality products at the best prices available, and pair it with great customer service and fast shipping.

I was hired in August of 2015 as a listing associate. I graduated with a degree in Photography in 2003 while working for a different company as a warehouse manager. During the years I worked for them I was not using my photography. I knew I needed to find the job that would take my skills, education, and experience and use them to help drive their company forward.

When I started four years ago, we primarily only sold on eBay. Today we sell on several other marketplaces and built our own website to help make it easier for our customers to find us. Our listing team does an incredible job by providing the most information possible and producing high quality images to help you decide on the products you want. Our shipping and warehouse teams are always growing to keep up with our desire for quality packaging and lightning quick shipping that we’ve had since our first order came in 10 years ago.

I look forward to writing more blogs about our products, brands, and giving company updates as we continue to grow. I also encourage you to reach out to us if you need any additional information or have any questions. We are open Monday through Friday, 8:30 AM - 5:00 PM CST.

-- Devlin Limbach

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